
This package is an easy, but highly configurable, way to customize your GitHub webhook messages to Discord.


Why a(nother) package to send webhooks? The /github appendix to the Discord webhook url can already send webhooks and packages like gitcordopen in new window also uses GitHub event payloads.

Why not Discord's solution?

  • can send events that are not delivered to Discord (e.g. pinned issue event)
  • specify the channel, thread, saturation color and more based on the event
  • allows to further customize message with a message, components and more

Why not another package?

  • sends the same default message as the /github webhook without any configuration
  • easily filter events based on their payload (branch, milestone, labels, etc.) with rules
  • hosted solution or handle requests self hosted (without a token)
  • typed webhook payloads for every incoming event
  • improves deliveries messages on GitHub